"Everydayness is the enemy. No

Aug 14 2001
"Everydayness is the enemy. No search is possible. Perhaps there was a time when everydayness was not too strong and one could break its grip by brute strength. Now nothing breaks it but disaster. Only once in my life was the grip of everydayness broken: when I lay bleeding in a ditch."
- Walker Percy The Moviegoer

There will certainly be little search this week; tonight begins a string of many all-nighters. I distinctly remember the promise of a quality of life improvement, but my conditions have since declined. There is always a conscience to clear so long as the demands are not in writing. I do, however, suspect this to be my last tour of duty; my patriotism has been too much exploited. And that's all I will say on the matter.

The opossum met me at the corner again tonight and gazed empty at me, he lifted his head and took a deep drag of the damp air, then ran away. I should have followed him to the Hague with brain staggering in faintness with a copy of Zola's Germinal.